Walk-off double results in violent brawl with 9 players now suspended
Photo credit: New York Post
Jackson State University and Prairie View A&M go into a massive brawl over the weekend which resulted in 9 players getting suspended.
The benched cleared after Trenton Bush won the game for Prairie View A&M with a walk off hit which gave them a 7-6 win over Jackson State which is when the fight broke out.
The fight happened after Trenton Bush's walk-off hit gave Prairie View A&M a 7-6 victory. As the Panthers started to celebrate on the field, Jackson State left fielder Davione Hull shoved a player. -Polacek
9 NCAA suspended after massive brawl takes place between Jackson State and Prairie View A&M
After the game winning hit, the Prairie View players began to celebrate which is when the
Jackson State players started the fight which resulted in both benches clearing.
Brawl ensues as Jackson State's left fielder blindsides a Prairie View A&M player during this walk-off celebration
News broke yesterday that the Southwestern Athletic Conference ended up suspending a total of 9 players, 6 from Jackson State while the other 3 were from
Prairie View A&M.
Sam Sklar of the Mississippi Clarion Ledger reported Tuesday that the Southwestern Athletic Conference suspended nine players. Six of the players are from Jackson State, while the other three are from Prairie View A&M. -Polacek
The Southwestern Athletics Conference also decided to not name the 9 players that were suspended but did fine each school $25,000 for the bench clearing brawl.
The SWAC did not publicly announce the names of the players suspended. It fined each school $25,000. -Polacek
The two teams played against each other for the final time this season on Sunday with Prairie View taking the series with a 9-5 win.
Previously on Blue Jays Insider
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