Toronto Sun rips into Mark Shapiro and Ross Atkins with embarrassing front page picture calling them losers

Bobby Ohr
October 3, 2024  (2:54 PM)

Atkins and Shapiro during press conference #bluejays #mlb
Photo credit: Youtube

Toronto Blue Jays CEO Mark Shapiro and general manager Ross Atkins are probably the most hated men in the city right now especially after yesterday press conference.

The people of Toronto cannot get over the disappointing season topped with an incredibly dull press conference yesterday in which the Blue Jays seem to have no plan on how to turn things around.
The Toronto Sun news paper is far from the most loved news source in the city but they made headlines yesterday for their cover picture of Shapiro and Atkins pointing out how apart from breaking their record for Loonie Dogs, they did nothing for Toronto this season.
Atkins and Shapiro can be seen in hot dog costumes with the title "Wieners and Losers" on the front page of the Toronto Sun with a summary of how they had no answers for the fans regarding the terrible season.
Credit when it's due. This is funny
Blue Jays fans loved the cover even if it was the Toronto sun as they are far from liked in the city.
Every so often the tabloid papers come out with a banger
Won't be selling many loonie dogs when they let Bo and Vladdy walk and swing and miss on every free agent this offseason. It looks good on them, but absolutely sucks for the rest of us
Too bad it's the Sun, whose sports writers are the most repulsive idiots around; which makes sense as the paper as a whole is just right wing propaganda.
They look cute on those suits.
OCTOBRE 3   |   1090 ANSWERS
Toronto Sun rips into Mark Shapiro and Ross Atkins with embarrassing front page picture calling them losers

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